January 24, 2007

Post #800 Round-Up, Link Brigade

Yes, this is post #800. No, I still haven't finished my Games QA Automation series. Yes, I'm bitter about that. No, I'm not taking it out on the blog...yet.

Sorry about all the drama over the last hundred posts. Let's see, since I made post #700, I hit level 60 in WoW, migrated over to Blogger Beta, made my most controversial post ever, spoke publicly about what it was like to bring a game to the Fatherland, was unexpectedly laid off, got chewed out for trying to sell myself afterwards, got a job where I've had a bitch of a time getting paid, and managed to stay relatively upbeat throughout the entire ordeal. Whee.

Link Brigade: Trying to set up a multiplayer game with your Nintendo DS or Wii, or find Xbox friends in your general area so you won't lag to death? Fellow Shacker ThomW (maker of that great Bitmap Font Builder app that no game developer worth his salt should be without) now has his GameWith.Us site up. Give it a shot...it's an interesting Web 2.0 mashup. Also, don't forget Cory Smith's XboxFriends.com site.


Anonymous said...

800 posts is a bloody good achievement dude. Especially considering the amount of dedication required to actually keep updating a blog over the years. I only got to about three posts on mine before I became lazy. :)

Keshi said...

huh 800! d u update a couple of times a day?
