It's tools only for now, but it's still getting .NET closer to mainstream game development, and every step forward in that respect is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.
I knew all that work I did on C# tools at Indie Built would someday come in handy.
Too bad I still have a fear of the games industry. I think the shrink called it, iliketoseethelightofdayophobia. Wait maybe it was, actually it's just I think it is not a phobia at all, it is just called I'd rather have a life. :)
Crap, I could actually apply to that Junior position... Tough decisions!
I knew all that work I did on C# tools at Indie Built would someday come in handy.
Too bad I still have a fear of the games industry. I think the shrink called it, iliketoseethelightofdayophobia. Wait maybe it was, actually it's just I think it is not a phobia at all, it is just called I'd rather have a life. :)
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