July 29, 2007

FIX: Far Cry: mouse not working in Vista

Problem: When you install "Far Cry 1.4" in Vista, the mouse works in the menus but does not work in-game.

Fix: At the main menu, go to Options -> Control Options.
Select Default -> Yes.
Go back to the main menu and exit "Far Cry."
Restart "Far Cry."

(Look for this and other fixes over at VistaGameDoctor.com.)

Updated on May 18, 2008 to update the link to VistaGameDoctor.com.


BuzzKill said...

You Rock!!
Thanks a lot for that simple but useful trick. I was stuck otherwise.

Chris Treber said...
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Chris Treber said...

Thank you very much, Sir.

Wayne Hinkel said...

Terrific! Thanks so much! Note that you can still go back and set your own control preferences after your initial choice of "default" gets your mouse working. Wonder why they haven't fixed this setup problem in a patch?

Pop Steve, Esq. said...

Thanks dude! I was stuck too!