December 16, 2011

No Updates Until Monday

Real life is intruding. Will post an update to RomTerraria as soon as I am able. In the meantime, do not use the "shrink textures" option, as it is broken in 1.1.1.


Oogle said...

Just want to say that the map/minimap functions are incredible and should have been included in the game by default. Really appreciate this application.

BranVan said...

RT will only launch Terraria in v1.1. If I use the actual Terraria icon on my desktop or launch through Steam it's fine and launches 1.1.1. I have the RT executable in the same folder as Terraria.exe, but no matter what it won't launch in 1.1.1. Looking forward to the update on Monday. Also, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, I can't get the minimaps to work, either of them. I check one or both boxes, launch the game and... nothing. Re-launch and they're still checked, but still nothing.