February 18, 2014

Terraria and RomTerraria have issues

I'm aware that Terraria is having problems with RomTerraria.  Working on it, but may not have a fix until Thursday.

[Update 2/19 10:13p] v0.98 is up and it fixes the compatibility issues with


Unknown said...

Yay! thanks for updating! will test it soon

Unknown said...

Ok it launched fine, found the steam terraria folder (even though it's in a different steam library to the default one) and made the .exe(with the first two options on). It launched fine, after loading a world everything looked them same as the original (maybe because my screen res is only 1360x768). But when I put it into fullscreen mode (through the main game menu) then windowed mode (in-world) it crashed with this:

Michael Russell said...


I'll check into it when I get home. I tested it up to 2560x1440 windowed, but not the full-screen toggle. I guess something else changed I wasn't expecting.

Michael Russell said...


I couldn't reproduce the crash you had described, but I did find an issue related to multiple mouse cursors flying around.

I'll see what I can do to add to my diagnostics ability with RomTerraria going forward.